About Me

My encyclopedic knowledge of Cannabis would come in use one day. I just knew it. Seriously, I’ve absorbed all this information for some reason, might as well try to put it all in one place for others to check it out. My name’s Charlies, and a really like everything involved with Cannabis. I grow, I use, I medicate, I go to the events; something about it and the culture just really melds with me. It kind of has the underdog thing going for it too, the plant has been targeted by governments for nearly a century to try to get rid of it and all they’ve managed to do is make the plant stronger and more prevalent than ever while just pissing off their populous. How can you not fall in love with that kind of counter-culture?

I work construction on most days, I like to work outside and the pay is right. I’m pretty happy with it, hopefully will make foreman before I’m too old to keep doing this but it definitely keeps me strong compared to a lot of my friends who just sit around working office jobs all day. This website is meant as a review website one that is written for fellow enthusiasts like myself to ensure that we use the right services. I use Cannabis at night generally, it lets me relax without getting me too tired and enjoy my times off a lot more. I don’t see anything inherently wrong with that at all. Yet, my government tries to tell me what I’m doing is terrible. I don’t understand it and I refuse to let that kind of propaganda get to me.

 So, yeah, I guess I’m a pot head. I work harder than most people that bother to call me that and I have a better outlook on life that doesn’t require me to validate myself by harassing others, but I guess I am in the wrong according to the majority of society. Oh well, I can live with the fringe. There’s plenty of us over here, it’s a blast. One of my greatest pleasures in life is just being able to talk to people. I love people, some of them suck but for the most part I enjoy just having a pleasant conversation with a stranger or a close friend. People call this being an extrovert, and I guess I am. I get energy from crowds, I love being part of something. When I’m alone I tend to head towards depression, which is just no fun for me.

 I live my life by the principles of living in the moment, and it has done me well so far. I get to do the things I want to do, I have the friend I want, and no I’m not in a relationship or anything but I don’t want to be. I live with my dog in a nice apartment downtown in my city, I get to walk around and flirt with pretty girls whenever I want. Life is good, and I want to share my ideologies and outlooks with whoever is listening.